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Diversity and Inclusion

Mikuni’s diversity initiatives are part of our human capital management, being conducted to encourage growth in our employees and generate value.Considering personnel to be a form of capital, to maximize their value, we have set up a human resources strategy consistent with our management strategy and business model that will enhance our corporate value over the medium to long term. The strategy addresses diversity in recruitment (women, senior employees, foreign nationals, people with disabilities, etc.) as well as diversity in work styles, with efforts to create more comfortable working environments and systems.

Promotion of Gender Equality

One of Mikuni's efforts to recruit diverse human resources is to promote Gender Equality.
We have established an action plan based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace to create a working environment where women can play an increasingly active role.
In recognition of these efforts, we have received various certifications from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan and various local governments.

“Eruboshi" certification by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan

In recognition of Mikuni's efforts in developing a work environment that encourages women
to fully demonstrate their talent by meeting certain criteria,
we received the highest grade (level 3) of the "Eruboshi"*
certification under the Act on Promotion of Female Participation and Career
Advancement in the Workplace in 2018 and keep certified every year.
* Meaning "L Star": L stands for Lady, Labor and Laudable

Women's Advancement Certified Company of Iwate Prefecture

Our Morioka operation site has been certified as a " Women's Advancement Certified Company of Iwate" at the highest level, Step 2, as a company that is actively working to promote the advancement of women.

Odawara L Yale

Our Odawara operation site has been certified as a Gold Stage company, the highest level of the "Odawara L Yale" (Odawara City's certification system for excellent companies that promote woman's advancement).

Action Plan Based on the Act on the Promotion of Female Participation and Career Advancement in the Workplace

Link to the website of "Database of companies promoting the advancement of working women" of the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. (Japanese site)

Initiatives to Promote Gender Equality

We have been implementing various measures such as creating a workplace where women can play an active role and various training programs.
As a result of these activities, the ratio of female employees in career-track positions has increased from 5.9% (FY 2016) to 10.0% (FY2022).
Female employees in career-track positions are taking a leading role in sales, R&D, management, production, and many other departments.
In addition, we are disseminating information on women's activities, such as by increasing opportunities for female employees to share their experiences at company information sessions for students. We will continue to implement initiatives to further promote the activities of women.

♦ Actively accept female students for internships.
♦ Introduce active female employees (sales, engineers, etc.) in the recruitment information media for students. Also, increase opportunities for female employees to talk about their experiences at company information sessions.
♦ Conduct interviews and questionnaires with employees.
- Conduct internal awareness surveys on the promotion of gender equality, and reflect the information collected in the content of activities.
♦ Conduct lectures and round-table discussions.
- Conduct lectures by a female board member on the theme of gender equality.
♦ Conducted a training program "Thinking about Your Career" for male and female employees.
♦ Conducted a training program on diversity and inclusion for managers and supervisors.

Watch this video to learn more about female employees working at Mikuni.

Participation in the Initiative to Support Research Activities of Female Researchers

From  FY2016, Iwate University was selected as the representative institution and Hirosaki University, National Institute of Technology-Hachinohe College, National Institute of Technology-Ichnoseki College, Tohoku Agricultural Research Center-NARO (TARC/NARO) and Mikuni was selected as one of the joint project partners for the "Diversity, Initiative for Realizing Research Environment (leading type)" (project period: FY2016-FY2021), a grant program for human resource development in science and technology by Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT).

Our goal was to establish a cycle that would increase the number of excellent female applicants who aspire to become researchers and high-ranking positions by creating a region where female researchers can demonstrate their abilities in the entire North Tohoku region. We implemented a variety of initiatives, including development of diverse research environments, improvement of the research capabilities of female researchers and fostering of leaders through these efforts, and the active promotion of female researchers to high-ranking positions. After the project period, we are still continuing our activities as the "North Tohoku Diversity Research Environment Promotion Committee" in cooperation with other organizations.

Official website (Japanese)

Support for Work and Family Life Balance

We are working to create a work environment where all employees can balance work and family life and fully demonstrate their abilities.

Obtained "Kurumin" certification from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare

In September 2021, we received "Kurumin" certification from Japan's Ministry of Health,
Labour and Welfare as a "child-rearing support company" based on the Act
on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.

Action plan based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children

Link to the Company database, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare-Japan (Japanese site)

Initiatives to support work and family life balance

♦ Reemployment under the Return to Work System (from FY2015)
- Rehire talented former regular employees as regular employees, including those who have left the company for childcare or nursing care.
♦ Publication of a Childcare Support Guidebook to familiarize employees with systems related to childcare.
♦ Establish a staggered work schedule (Childcare Slide Work) system for childcare purposes.
♦ Disseminate internal information to employees on childcare leave.

Childcare Support Guidebook

Foreign Nationality Employees

We hire regardless of nationality, and our foreign national employees are highly active in many departments, including sales, R&D, IT, and administration.

Employees with Disabilities

In Mikuni Group, many employees with disabilities are taking active roles in various departments. Mikuni's special subsidiary, Mikuni Life & Auto Co., Ltd., utilizes the experience and knowledge of employees with disabilities to meet the needs of our customers through welfare vehicles and other welfare care services.